MADE.COM Showroom – Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandMADE.COM Showroom – Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

31-37, Raadhuisstraat, 1016 DC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3734695, Longitude: 4.8861122

opmerkingen 5

  • Megan Joseph

    Megan Joseph


    I will never order from Made again. I should have listened to the reviews because they are all accurate. I can understand they don't keep stock so things take longer but they continually delay your shippings even further. After months of waiting, I received half of the console table I ordered. I've reached out four times about the other half of the table and each time customer service said they are looking into it for me and will email, still no email. Completely incompetent. UPDATE: last week they claimed to have found the missing package and would ship it out this week. Surprise surprise it still hasn't been shipped out and no on can give me any information on why it hasn't been sent and when it will be sent. You'd think a package that is a month late would be a priority but I guess not.

  • Erfan Teymoeri

    Erfan Teymoeri


    The worst customer service I have seen from a company. Waited 3 months for the bed to arrive. After opening the box we noticed some parts were missing. Contacted the customer service on WhatsApp (since you can't call them, which is very bad as well), they told us to get the missing parts from a DIY store. We've waited 3 months for this? I'm fuming, this is beyond bad.

  • jorisockeloen



    We've ordered a bed in April but upon arrival found out two pegs were missing. Long story short, the two pegs couldn't be replaced and a replacement bed can't be delivered before end of August. Add to that the customer service is abysmal, they seriously don't give a rats a-hole that you have to sleep on the floor for months. We got €60 returned on a 859,- order so I guess we should count ourselves lucky? I will never order with this company again and wouldn't be surprised if they go belly up within months.

  • Mikel Aiastui

    Mikel Aiastui


    They have nice items but their shipping time is something that I can't really understand. Customer Service is also helpless. Probably won't ever order from again. Also quite preoccupying the amount of bad reviews this company is getting in here, probably best to avoid

  • Mallory Warner

    Mallory Warner


    Honestly, don't bother with ordering from here. The shipping takes way too long (we've been waiting 8+ weeks for our item and just found out it's delayed a further 2 weeks for no reason). They aren't transparent with the order status. And their customer service is spotty at best. You're better off finding something somewhere else.

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