Dille & Kamille in Amsterdam

NederlandDille & Kamille



🕗 openingstijden

16-18, Nieuwendijk, 1012 MK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 330 3797
website: www.dille-kamille.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3785465, Longitude: 4.8949515

opmerkingen 5

  • Chaitra DR

    Chaitra DR


    Very good collection of kitchen and bathroom essentials.. Experience was pleasant shopping here.. Highly recommend!!!

  • Billy Graham

    Billy Graham


    Nice service and quality (but pricey) products

  • Emily Radusovsky

    Emily Radusovsky


    I'm in love with this store. They had EVERYTHING you need for your home and sustainable/eco-friendly stuff as well. They also have a whole plant section. Everything is so affordable. Amazing. Perfect for gifts as well

  • Vjeverica Vjeveric

    Vjeverica Vjeveric


    Nice place to by some litle items for Kichen or bathroom

  • Florian M.

    Florian M.


    A nice store with a great selection of household appliances, ceramics, organic food specialties and more. I like visiting the Dille & Kamille stores just to stroll, but I actually almost never leave them without buying something. I especially like the design and quality of the products, but also the general business idea of using natural materials and as little plastic as possible. The staff is very friendly and helpful. I will surely come here again the next time I visit Amsterdam.

Huisgoederenwinkel in de buurt

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