Lost in Amsterdam Lounge Cafe & Cocktail Bar in Amsterdam

NederlandLost in Amsterdam Lounge Cafe & Cocktail Bar



🕗 openingstijden

19 a, Nieuwendijk, 1012 LZ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
website: lostinamsterdam.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3784981, Longitude: 4.8953738

opmerkingen 5




    Drinks are increadibly pricey. A normal mojito cost 7€ but here ist 17€ not to include service charge and 3€ CORONA charge. For non smokers ambience outside is better. Sofas are cozy inside but it gets crowded on weekends.

  • bena sophia

    bena sophia


    The four girls of us sat inside by the window and right next to the bar. Apart from the decorations and beautiful interior with carpets, cushions and mirrors, we loved the alcoholic milkshakes! 20€ for a Shisha that only lasted one hour is a bit much, but the overall vibe definitely made up for it. But what really made the experience unique was waitress Luisa who first refused in a kind way to let us in because my friend had forgotten her ID card. Luckily, we got it later and went back and could go in. Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding and we got a cocktail instead of the alc milkshake but she made us a new one to make up for it, which wouldn't have been required! Thank you for an amazing evening :)

  • Lea



    Overpriced and dirty. A cocktail is around 14 € which is very expensive (also for Amsterdam). A shisha costs 20€ and they charge extra for charcoal. The waitress was friendly, but we could only pay in cash and we had to pay upfront which is very odd to me. I would not go there again.

  • Veronica Santos

    Veronica Santos


    Super laid back vibes, this spot is a must. Everyone is just there to lounge and chill, exactly what one should do when in Amsterdam. We sat in the cozy spot by the front large window, people watched while sipping in our ice cold beers. The place is 2 floors, no cigarette smoking inside, 420 friendly

  • Zac Armstrong

    Zac Armstrong


    Nice place, very expensive

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