ALOHA in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

151, De Ruijterkade, 1011 AC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 760 7600
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3778173, Longitude: 4.9096222

opmerkingen 5

  • O. A. Dekker

    O. A. Dekker


    Great for kids. Location is close to the central station of Amsterdam, a walkable distance. A few (non-official?) parking spots in front of the location. However, despite the fact that there seemed to be a lot of personnel present, not too much personnel keeping sight on kids running around freely. I'm not saying this is their responsibility, but it would have been nice and quite frankly I'd expect that in a location with a lot of separate rooms, some or which dark. Service varied from okayish to good.

  • Isioma Osahon

    Isioma Osahon


    Seriously a nice outing place for a group gathering. The bowling section was neat and we'll kept. The food there was also a top notch. Definitely recommend.

  • Milla Gois

    Milla Gois


    Nice place and decor, and I mostly went there to go bowling. However, the staff was not friendly and the place was packed with a several large groups of people in a tiny space, which made me feel extra aware of corona. When we arrived, the people using the opposite lane were sitting also in our space and using our table. None of which was cleaned by the staff before we used it. Still, there was a sign there saying everything was cleaned "just for us". If you dont mind the super crowded spaces, lack of cleaning and unfriendly staff, I reccomend it.

  • Olga Dudikova

    Olga Dudikova


    Very welcoming and helpful staff, gorgeous decor, delicious food and of course super fun activities.

  • Bob Boersen

    Bob Boersen


    A tropical paradise in the heart of Amsterdam. An adult gaming centre with playful Hawaiian theme serving up great cocktails and classic dishes. Without a doubt worth a visit!!

Bowlingbaan in de buurt

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