Loetje aan de Amstel in Amstelveen

NederlandLoetje aan de Amstel



🕗 openingstijden

37, Amstelzijde, 1184 TX, Amstelveen, Amstelveen, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 472 1090
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.2969821, Longitude: 4.9002203

opmerkingen 5

  • Bas Roelfsema

    Bas Roelfsema


    Dat betaald parkeren is mij toch een doorn in het oog en voelt al jaren als diefstal, 8 euro voor 1.5uur.

  • Laura Bercan

    Laura Bercan


    Best restaurant in the Netherlands so far. The Bali steak is phenomenal. Every month there is a special menu, this is a must try. Location is fantastic, nice ambiance. Good for business dinners, but also for a romantic date. Reserve beforehand, otherwise it might be full, even on a week day.

  • Erleen Hunter

    Erleen Hunter


    Unbelievable steak house! Atmosphere lovely, very relaxed, staff professional and extremely pleasent, food even better! Recommend the 'Bali' steak! Restaurant set in a very quaint part of Amsterdam, a must if you are anywhere near the area! Prices aren't cheap but not overly expensive either, the prices for the steak are for steak only then you have to add your extras but it's definitely worth every penny!

  • Luis C. Lavega

    Luis C. Lavega


    Lugar magnifico y muy recomendable con buena calidad y variedad de comida y precios razonables.Carnes espectaculares

  • Jorge Negro Fernandez

    Jorge Negro Fernandez


    Una comida muy agradable. Habrá que volver

Restaurant in de buurt

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