IndiaPort aan de Amstel in Amstelveen

NederlandIndiaPort aan de Amstel



🕗 openingstijden

53, Amstelzijde, 1184 TZ, Amstelveen, Amstelveen, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 337 4427
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.297469, Longitude: 4.899573

opmerkingen 5

  • Jeroen Nasnl

    Jeroen Nasnl


    As per April 1, 2018, the restaurant changed its name, decoration and menu. Now it's only Indian food. And it's good! The restaurant is very elegantly decorated in a spacious setting. The staff is very friendly, explains all options patiently and is committed to service. The menu has an extensive list of street food options, which can be ordered like tapas, or as starter. Do try the Dahi Papri and be blown away by the eclectic flavors. This particular version is with potato rather than lentils. The kaahli that the menu starts off with are like Indonesian 'rice tables' - many small dishes with a wide variety of flavors, beautifully served in small metal dishes. The rest of the menu contains all dishes you would expect to see, with a rich choice of ingredients and textures. Well recommended and contributing to the quality and variety of the culinary Hotspot of Ouderkerk.

  • Linda C.

    Linda C.


    Eten was prima. We hebben het alleen koud gehad, moest bijgewarmd worden met elektrische kacheltjes

  • Anish K George

    Anish K George


    Do not expect original Indian taste, it is a fusion restaurant. But dishes are super good. Service is great. Atmosphere is awesome. It is not a cheap restaurant, so be ready to pay a bit more.

  • en

    Harshad Pandit


    Food is just ok and overly priced for the quantity n quality.

  • nl

    Rein de Jong


    Op de laatste (voorspelde) zonnige dag met een onervaren kracht het terras doen en net doen of je neus bloed is belachelijk. Het is dat we als we weg waren gelopen ergens anders weer achteraan zouden moeten sluiten maar mij zien ze hier nooit weer. Ik heb hier nu lang genoeg zonder lunch op het terras gezeten.

Restaurant in de buurt

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