L'Etoile de Saint Honoré in Amsterdam

NederlandL'Etoile de Saint Honoré



🕗 openingstijden

27, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat, 1017 DB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 362 9002
website: www.etoile-luxuryvintage.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3638455, Longitude: 4.8891979

opmerkingen 5

  • Rianne van der Hulst

    Rianne van der Hulst


    Thanks to the sweetest girls from l’étoile luxury vintage I have found the bag of my dreams. They have helped me a lot with finding the perfect bag for me and gave me every single detail i wanted to know! So thanks again girls! ❤️ I will definitely visit one of the stores soon!

  • Sevak Khachatryan

    Sevak Khachatryan


    I got a bag from them and it was even better than on the pictures. I am based in Dublin and they were so helpful with sending additional pictures and videos of the bag. Overall great experience!

  • Maud Van der Mark

    Maud Van der Mark


    I loved to order my first designer bag here! There are a lot of options to choose from and their instagram is useful for pictures as well. When my package arrived it was beautifully wrapped, the bag was still in good condition and my order was delivered super fast! I would definitely recommend to buy.

  • Anaelle Crettex

    Anaelle Crettex


    Such an amazing service, they are really kind and helpful. My new bag is just beautiful and it looks like a new one. I received it in Switzerland without any problem, and they helped me with all the questions and wishes I had. I’m sure I’ll buy another bag later with them 🙈🥰🥰

  • Pret à Preloved

    Pret à Preloved


    Just bought my new vintage Chanel bag here and I have to say, wow, what a nice store and good service! The girls in store are super friendly, the vintage collection is extensive and all items are still in good condition. So are their prices! A must visit when you’re looking for a vintage designer piece and are visiting Amsterdam. Also visit their 3 other stores, as the collection differs in every store. Thanks girls, you have made a girl very happy! ♥️

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