Lashes Extension Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandLashes Extension Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

Westermarkt, 1016 DH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 38896779
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3738704, Longitude: 4.8846351

opmerkingen 5

  • Nora de Bode

    Nora de Bode


    I finally decided to get lash extensions and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Kasia gives great advice and makes you feel very comfortable. Highly recommend!!

  • Kendra Torino

    Kendra Torino


    Kasia is simply an expert at her craft! She made me feel so comfortable and taken care of during the appointment, and the end result for my lashes is so beautiful, natural and holds up well during my travels. Already am scheduling my next appointments!

  • Ania Wencel

    Ania Wencel


    It was my first time getting lash extensions and..I couldn't be happier! Kasia is a true artist and a magician. She was very informative, delicate and professional. If you are looking for a place where you can feel at ease, have someone to hear you out and understand your needs and finally get an amazing set of natural looking lashes - I would definitely recommend this place !!!

  • Emma Bruns

    Emma Bruns


    I had my a new set of lashes done here and will continue to do so!! The entire experience was professional, very understanding and informative! I can recommend it to anyone who cares deeply about the continued health of their lashes!

  • Andreea Koczi

    Andreea Koczi


    Great experience :) Kasia is amazing. First time when she did my eyelashes and I can truly say I was impressed! They look amazing, love them, definitely I will go back!Highly recommend

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