Kinki Kappers Amsterdam van Baerlestraat in Amsterdam

NederlandKinki Kappers Amsterdam van Baerlestraat



🕗 openingstijden

91, Van Baerlestraat, 1071 AT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 675 6760
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3539546, Longitude: 4.8818083

opmerkingen 5

  • C. Durham

    C. Durham


    Tessa gives a killer haircut- very detail oriented and a good environment with really nice people, I highly recommend.

  • Diego Salvatierra

    Diego Salvatierra


    Awesome crew who offer great personal service!!

  • A K

    A K


    I have been going to Kinki's for over five years and across 4 locations. On average, their hairdressers tend to be extremely well trained in terms of technique. This location is great, and their architecture allows for plenty of covid-safe haircutting. At 45bucks a haircut, they are pricey, but hey..your barber's gotta pay that Amsterdam rent too. They have nice coffee and I like the whole 'alternative' vibe. At this location, both Hidde and Emily are fantastic.

  • Jessalyn D

    Jessalyn D


    Pretty much the best salon I’ve ever been to in my entire life and I’ve lived in 5 countries. Go see Tessa for your short hair cut and color needs ❤️

  • Anne Dolan

    Anne Dolan


    I go here regularly, and I find all the staff friendly. And I am always very happy with my hair when I leave. Highly recommend this place for colour, cut and blow dry.

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