IJpassage in Amsterdam



geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

39, Stationsplein, 1012 AB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3786297, Longitude: 4.899556

opmerkingen 5

  • Daniel Rimmer

    Daniel Rimmer


    Clean and well maintained which is a bonus if you're early for your train....

  • Dflexx Beatz

    Dflexx Beatz


    Oh My Smoothbar

  • Bennyben



    Lovely pub inside & had a drink with my mum. Normal CC prices & happy staff. Speed of service as expected in Amsterdam!

  • Lolitha Wijesuriya

    Lolitha Wijesuriya


    Convenient passage way to get to the trains, tram and buses within Central Station in Amsterdam. The passageway is heated during winter. Contains a lot of shops which can be easily accessible. Starbucks, Albert, Clothing stores, restaurants, bars etc. There are also isles in the middle of the passage way for people to rest on. Power sockets are available too for anyone in need of charging any mobile devices on the go. Anyone can access this passage free of charge.

  • Lau A

    Lau A


    Many shops that you can visit while waiting for the train and you don’t have to check in. You can find lush , rituals , dish boy, Albert heijn, Starbucks , yoghurt Barn and many others there to kill some time or just last minute shopping :))

Winkelcentrum in de buurt

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