IINN in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

188, Singel, 1016 AA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 627 6337
website: www.iinn.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3744685, Longitude: 4.888883

opmerkingen 5

  • Gabriëlle Koster

    Gabriëlle Koster


    Such a lovely salon, I enjoyed my hair being styled by Janko, he's very professional and nice!

  • Katherine Herrera Fiorentino

    Katherine Herrera Fiorentino


    Best hair salon! They accommodated me in their busy schedule early in the morning which is convenient for us travelers since most hair salons open at 11 am around here. I have curly hair and Dominique did a great job! Loved it overall. Totally recommend.

  • Zara Tempest-Walters

    Zara Tempest-Walters


    A very relaxing atmosphere. Janko listened to exactly what I wanted, was very patient, very helpful and gave me a wonderful scalp massage! Excellent results. I’m from London and will be back here when I’m next in Amsterdam. Many thanks!

  • Chaarvee Malkani

    Chaarvee Malkani


    Disappointed - an average haircut. I had a whole bunch of curl product put in my hair, followed by poor quality blow dry. This left me with sticky hair and a bad end result. Cannot even run my fingers through my hair :( Let's just say, I want to stay in and not be publicly seen after my haircut and this almost never happens to me.

  • Laura Bignone

    Laura Bignone


    A unique experience in a salon. It smells like heaven, it is very beautiful decorated and they treat you like a princess. An experience in itself !

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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