Het Groene Paradijs in Amsterdam

NederlandHet Groene Paradijs



🕗 openingstijden

99-103, Van Hallstraat, 1051 HA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 684 5054
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3810057, Longitude: 4.8715511

opmerkingen 5

  • Petra Benach

    Petra Benach


    Really nice selection and very good prices. And they're super friendly neighbors💗

  • Zen Thar

    Zen Thar


    Bought expensive flowers there. They were extremely dead within 3 days. I send the owner several emails about it. He never even bothered to respond. I will never buy anything in this store again.

  • Janelly Ortega Moncada

    Janelly Ortega Moncada


    They are really great!! Nice Plants, prices and service! ❤️

  • A W

    A W


    I really love this place. Cut flowers available but primarily a fantastic selection of plants. Basic potting & fertilizing supplies to get you started. In addition to the larger house plants there is a huge selection of small & tiny plants if you are greening up a small space on a smaller budget. Always feel welcome by the sweet staff. 💚🍃🌺

  • deb casey

    deb casey


    Great choices of fair priced plants very friendly people. Nice to support the small shops 👍

Bloemist in de buurt

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