Hairfashion by Leo in Amsterdam

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NederlandHairfashion by Leo



🕗 openingstijden

10, Begijnensteeg, 1012 PN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 423 2002
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3694998, Longitude: 4.8905676

opmerkingen 5

  • Ketty Chung

    Ketty Chung


    I think Leo is very unfriendly. I came to the shop to ask if he could do a colour I wanted. He treated me like I was not a customer. He was friendly to others, but for some reason not to me. I wanted Pastel purple, he said sure, for €600 i can do that. Excuse me, €600? Is the colouring made from gold? My hair is not even that long. Then the other day I tried to call him for a request on a website. He rudely told his intern to turn me down and that he didn’t had time for me, so I just have to come by. I know other barbers better than him, just a lot friendlier.

  • Leah Rabinovich

    Leah Rabinovich


    Ever since I meet him have become his loyal costumer. Fair prices for top quality colorist, nominee of Coiffure award 2017. Small saloon on the historical place. Best hair treatments that aren't available anywhere else in Holland, available here. Recommended for all customers but highly recommended for the ones who want silk colours, extreme contrast and healthy hair.

  • en

    Dr. Amsterdam Amsterdam Apartments


    Leo is a very professional hair artist and special person, highly recommended! ☺

  • en

    Inge Lu


    Been going to Hairfashion by Leo for over a year now and I can highly recommend it! Wether it’s for a haircut or coloring, Leo gives honest advice and always delivers. I trust him fully with my hair and I’m very happy that I found a hairdresser who knows what to do with asian hair.

  • Ilo Kirch

    Ilo Kirch


    Friendly, proffesional and fast. I had a very good time and my hair looks great!

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