Grand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandGrand Hotel Amrâth Amsterdam


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

108, Prins Hendrikkade, 1011 AK, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 552 0000
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3744149, Longitude: 4.9041443

opmerkingen 5

  • sue dreifus

    sue dreifus


    This hotel offered excellent concierge and management service, good mattress and pillows and was well kept. The concierges we're extremely helpful and were able to get us last minute reservations to several hard to book venues.The hotel itself is an artistic gem with gorgeous leaded glass and paintings throughout. Special thanks to Barry for the informative tour he gave our group.The hotel is also well located within reasonable walking distance of many attractions and restaurants in Amsterdam.Breakfast was excellent. There are a few problem areas. There are 5 or 6 steps up to the hotel lobby from the street without a railing and there were no bellhops.

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    Steven Young


    We really liked this hotel. It was featured in a book on architecture and we're pretty sure there were tourist groups checking it out. It has an early 20th century feel to it. The rooms were nice and clean, pretty big for Europe. Front desk staff were pleasant. The pool and spa facilities were enjoyable. Great location very close to Centraal Station and within walking distance to many of the top tourist attractions.

  • Steve Hy

    Steve Hy


    Hotel is really central within Amsterdam centrum. Its an old building and maybe isn't quite a 5 star hotel. It does have all the facilities of a 5 star hotel but Its just a but dated. The rooms are nice and big and the bathroom has a nice shower and jacuzzi bath. The service is good and the staff are really helpful

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    Joelene Mazur


    Absolutely loved our time here. Staff was friendly, helpful and courteous. Rooms were clean and the pool and sauna were an extra bonus. Right on the edge of the action, but quiet. A quick and easy 5 min walk from the train station. Definitely would stay here again

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    Ben Davidson


    Very nice hotel. Free mini bar and coffee/tea in room (re-stocked daily). Good shower and bath. Staff were very friendly and came to the room in the evening to ask if we needed anything (we had more coffee). Decor is traditional but in a nice way in my opinion. We also had a free upgrade because we booked with expedia which was a nice surprise! Would definitely recommend.

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