Huisartspraktijk Ritz in Amsterdam

NederlandHuisartspraktijk Ritz



🕗 openingstijden

261, Singel, 1012 WG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 1321
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3716902, Longitude: 4.8888308

opmerkingen 5

  • Julie Jossec

    Julie Jossec


    Expat community living in Amsterdam, i don't recommend you this practice. First appointment with Dr. Berghuis was nice and he agreed to become the family doctor and collected our information to register us. When i made a follow up appointment (because the assistant never called us back to schedule the discussed tests), i was informed that my partner and I were not patients of the practice and we wouldn't be. I got advise to use google to find another doctor, one that would be in my neighborhood.

  • Nina Aco

    Nina Aco


    Best huisarts in Amsterdam.

  • Jennifer Geacone-Cruz

    Jennifer Geacone-Cruz


    Was in town on business and suffering from a previously treated injury that was getting worse. I was able to get a same-day appointment, we reviewed my treatment plan and made some changes to accommodate my onward travel so I care for it while still travelling. Very friendly, patient, and helpful doctor and staff! Thanks!

  • en

    Nina Byelikova


    It's not a practice review, but a feedback on one of it's "doctors". I wanted to see dr. Ritz, but found his young female colleague. I booked a double appointment as I had multiple questions. Well, total indifference and lack of competence. Waste of insurance money and my time. I showed the results of my blood tests from France, the dr. said they didn't concern the problem of negative blood rhésus I was asking about, while they perfectly were and she just must have missed out on something in her medical education. On my complaint about permanent tiredness she said I must have a low blood pressure, and she didn't even think to measure it! She also ignored my blood tests that showed anemia. 100% ignorance.

  • Sandra Tanahatoe

    Sandra Tanahatoe


    Mogelijkheid tot online afspraak maken.

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