Filmtheater Kriterion in Amsterdam

NederlandFilmtheater Kriterion



🕗 openingstijden

170, Roetersstraat, 1018 WE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 1708
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3625461, Longitude: 4.9107535

opmerkingen 5

  • Edwin Rovers

    Edwin Rovers


    Small but super cosy cinema just outside of the city centre. Good prices and a nice bar to hangout before or after the movie. Comfortable seats and good sound quality. Place is run by students.

  • Fede



    Original and authentic cinema. Of of the few u will still find in dam before the money will change every Scrappy place into standard modern design.

  • jorrit roerdinkholder

    jorrit roerdinkholder


    Vibrant bar and art house cinema run by students. One of the nicer Cinemas in town.

  • Cor Ligthert

    Cor Ligthert


    Lovely place, not very commercial and with a lot of character. It was a bit chilly when we were there, other than that it was great so 4 stars.

  • en

    KIKI Boom


    One of my (if not my) favourite cinemas in Amsterdam. Lovely and comfortable seats, friendly staff and a bar for that time you feel like getting drunk after a movie (or before) Also, delicious tacos on a Tuesday. What more could you ask for?

Bioscoop in de buurt

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