Enterprise Rent-A-Car Amsterdam Central Station in Amsterdam

NederlandEnterprise Rent-A-Car Amsterdam Central Station



🕗 openingstijden

Harry Banninkstraat 129 Oosterdokeiland, 1011 DD Amsterdam, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 740 0950
website: www.enterprise.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3766348, Longitude: 4.9064657

opmerkingen 5

  • Jos Gerards

    Jos Gerards


    Booked via a 3rd party and everything was handled perfectly when picking up the car at Enterprise. Amazing and friendly service was provided and we even got offered a great upgrade at a great price.

  • Peter Troshin

    Peter Troshin


    I've rented a car from this branch on multiple occasions and it always goes smoothly. I have never been overcharged for anything. They would normally offer a choice of vehicle in your rental category. If you don't fancy any there is also an option to upgrade which would normally be much cheaper than if you were to reserve a next level car upfront. I love them for this flexibility! Cars are usually new or have low mileage and are in the perfect condition. On top of that you can drop the car any time, which saves you a lot of money as parking in Amsterdam is extremely expensive. To sum it up this is my go-to rental agency in Amsterdam. 15 Jan 2021 update - same great experience as ever! Update June 2021: Once again got a great car for a small price - love it!

  • Niels Van Duinen

    Niels Van Duinen


    Great service, super nice people both at their counter in Schiphol Airport and on the phone. They are accessible, fair and very friendly. And I got a great car. Thank you guys!

  • Christin Metzner

    Christin Metzner


    I rented with Alamo last week and am disappointed about their Service at Schiphol. The official desk is closed and they operate from the parking garage only without a prior notice. The car I received was so old and damaged, I am shocked that they still have these kind of cars and even with having so little occupancy, would have expected a better customer service. I dropped off the car and dropped the key in the box and still the next day they called me to ask where the car is. They reduced their opening hours every day to 9-6pm so it is almost not possible to drop off the car while they are working.. I also received a cleaning fee, because there were a few dog hairs in the car, which has never been a problem with any other rental agency. I cannot recommend them and will definitely not book with them again.

  • Rob Laurens

    Rob Laurens


    Very fast and accurate service. Already booked for another rental car in my next holiday! Hope they will give me an upgrade....again😀

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