Avis Autoverhuur Amsterdam Centrum in Amsterdam

NederlandAvis Autoverhuur Amsterdam Centrum



🕗 openingstijden

380, Nassaukade, 1054 AD, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 88 284 7020
website: www.avis.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3645976, Longitude: 4.8783253

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Emmanuel Souply


    We booked a car since 1 month before our stay in Amsterdam to move to Venhuizen. The D-day, we came to take the car and then "Bad news". No cars left! So guys, why don't you sell pizzas? We were a family of 4 adults and one kid and the only thing that the guy said was "bad news". We've rent a Kia Sportage, we finally had an Opel Zafira, not a bad car but not what we've paid for! More than one hour waiting for a car and almost no excuses from the staff. Sixt is one the same street so go to sixt.

  • Parag Shah

    Parag Shah


    Picked up a car for 2 day trip. Person behind the desk was friendly and provided helpful advice.

  • Ruri Chester

    Ruri Chester


    Very friendly staff got served immediately without delay and they had everything I needed prepared and ready to go. Buying supercover on top was easy to do and they gave me helpful suggestions like extending the hand back time and explaining that I could hand it back at the airport for only a little bit extra. Also explaining where I could refuel for cheaper would highly recommend avis to anyone!

  • nl

    Hans Griek


    Op piekuren die ze zelf op website aangeven 1 balie open. Ernstig lange wachttijd. On line reserveren geen enkel voordeel.

  • en

    Paolo Leo


    I rented a car for 1 day and asked where I could park it if the shop was close and they told me to leave it in one of the street nearby. Until there was everything fine. But then we took the car and the windscreen was dirty. So I thought it's okay I'm not gonna complain about it, I cleaned it and enjoyed our travel. But in the evening on the way back when I had to park it in one of those streets nearby the shop and I realized that I had to pay for the car park (which is understandable of course) but considering how expensive it is to park a car in the city center of Amsterdam they could have told me that earlier. Also there I was like okay I didn't ask so it's my fault and paid until the next day at 9am. (The shop was going to be open at 7am) but then I've been charged 8 euros and something from my credit card without any reason because I filled up the car, paid the parking and left the car in perfect conditions! Haven't even got an email saying why they charged me. So I'm not gonna rent again from Avis and I will be suggest everyone I know to rent somewhere else because the service is really bad. Hope you will improve it for other customers though. Kind regards Paolo

Autoverhuur in de buurt

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