Dierenkliniek Westerpark in Amsterdam

NederlandDierenkliniek Westerpark



🕗 openingstijden

65, Frederik Hendrikstraat, 1052 HL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 684 5529
website: www.dierenkliniekwesterpark.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3758493, Longitude: 4.8738713

opmerkingen 5

  • Yih-Ling Pan

    Yih-Ling Pan


    All the personnel and doctors are very attentive and really care for the animal. Special thank you to Esther van Neste, the best vet we've had who not only patiently explains difficult diagnostics but also supports us in the most caring way along the lengthy treatment.

  • Yvonne Tames Veerkamp Spruitenburg

    Yvonne Tames Veerkamp Spruitenburg


    Er wordt liefdevol met de dieren om gegaan

  • nl

    Jacques Kooij


    Word daar fijn geholpen

  • en

    Liam B


    Took my cat there with an infected paw, it stank from infection and had an open wound on it. The vet inspected 3 out 4 paws and said he was fine, I could not be sure the vet had not inspected all 4 paws so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Upon returning home, I realised how bad the infection was and had to take him back. Overall, it was a careless treatment which left me feeling helpless and unimpressed.

  • Brant Emery

    Brant Emery


    Summary: Incompetence and arrogance led to a grave misdiagnosis of my cat and huge amount of personal emotional distress. Details: My cat is a pure breed 'heilege birman' and had diarrhoea and no appetite/thirst for 2/3 days. He'd lost 1/5 body weight and was obviously in great pain but had NO fever. They ran a few blood tests, all negative. He was sent home and immediately got worse with vomiting. I took him back and they gave him fluids. Still no diagnosis. He was sent home, with no guidance on what to do, with no medication, and no guidance for care. He was still not eating or drinking. Later, the 'senior' vet diagnosed him (remotely, without seeing him) with FIP - a 100% fatal disease. This upset me massively, as you can imagine. Still they offered no treatment, the tests for FIP took one week. During this time, they would not do other tests - even though I pushed them on this. To be frank, I found the senior vet's attitude to be arrogant and disdainful. FIP test eventually came back as negative. Only then did they do other tests and it became apparent he had pancreatitis. Again he was sent home with no treatment except morphine. By this time, I was completely fed up and an independent vet had informed me of her anxiety at the lack of care shown. She recommended Caressa and I immediately took my cat there. The vets at this new clinic responded promptly and he was indeed in bad condition. They quickly diagnosed infection of the gallbladder and pancreas (which might have spread during the >week being untreated). They also stated that this is a more common ailment of pure breed cats. Result: My cat is now getting the best treatment at Caressa hospital and is improving, which is great. Recommendation: If you have a pure breed, do NOT go to Westerpark, they are clearly uninformed, incompetent, and reticent to do proactive tests. I found the senior vet's attitude to be highly unprofessional. I told him personally I was taking my cat to another vet and he basically said 'good riddance'.

Veterinaire zorg in de buurt

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