Dierenkliniek Overtoom in Amsterdam

NederlandDierenkliniek Overtoom



🕗 openingstijden

520, Overtoom, 1054 KL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 618 2884
website: www.dierenkliniek-overtoom.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3588167, Longitude: 4.8587607

opmerkingen 5

  • Sterre Leufkens

    Sterre Leufkens


    Heel capabale en vriendelijke dierenarts. We belden en konden meteen langskomen.

  • Cees Bierkens

    Cees Bierkens


    Kundige dierenliefhebbers die Zorgzaam en Geduldig je dieren Kindje helpen.

  • en

    dorian de rijk


    Do not Take your pet here! Worst treatment ever! Communication is not the strong suit of this clinic. Our cat fell on scaffolding pipes and was gravely injured. The clinic did not assess the situation properly and stated that our cat stood a chance and send us to a specialized animal clinic. It turned out that our poor little cat was in terrible shape, which the vet at overtoom should have been able to see. The cat did not survive and was put through a lot of stress. this could have been avoided with a better initial assessment. Tom, the VET however claims that we choose to euthanize our beloved cat, because we would be to lazy to take care of a cat with a handicap. This is a very harsh verdict and hurtful, we only let Spook go because we were told that she would have to endure a lot of pain and that there was no prospect of things getting better, death of internal bleeding would be eminent. Tom, the vet, harassed me on facebook about a google review, he was very aggressive claiming that i was killing his business. I'm still in shock about this and miss our cat everyday. It is not his fault that she fell on scaffolding pipes the way he treated us was traumatic. I urge you to go to a different vet, Amsterdam has really good ones, where the actually care about the animal in need.

  • nl

    Karin S


    Goede dierenarts! Kom in deze praktijk al zeker 40 jaar.

  • Stephanie



    They take really good care of my two dogs and they don't mind speaking in English with me. Sometimes, same day appointments can be difficult, but they are very understanding. I have complete confidence in the care they give my dogs!

Veterinaire zorg in de buurt

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