Derma2Care B.V. in Amsterdam

NederlandDerma2Care B.V.



🕗 openingstijden

Tweede van der Helststraat, 1072 GR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 470 3272
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3510696, Longitude: 4.8945188

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Lisanne van Mervennee


    Goede en vriendelijke service!

  • nl

    Anne Gulpen


    Hele vriendelijke mensen die echt naar je luisteren. Mijn behandeling wordt grotendeels vergoed waardoor ik een stuk minder kwijt ben. Mijn huid was erg slecht door hormonale veranderingen. Sinds ik bij Derma2Care ben heb ik nergens meer last van! GELUKKIG was ik op tijd en heb ik geen littekens door mijn acne. Ik zou het iedereen aan willen bevelen!

  • Aria Bennett

    Aria Bennett


    Derma2care has haunted me for the past 8 months, and I hope with all my heart they lose their jobs and licenses forever. I came here thinking they were professional and would do a good job, and that it would be covered by my insurance because... it is, I made sure this exact thing was covered when I bought it, IT'S WHY I BOUGHT THE INSURANCE I HAVE, TO PAY FOR THIS LITERAL EXACT THING IT EXACTLY DOES COVER 100% THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY IT DOES NOT. They took my insurance, said it covered their services, and then after multiple appointments later, over MONTHS, they claimed that insurance in fact did NOT cover any of them and that I owed them 600 euros unless I fixed it with my insurance. Which I did. SIX TIMES. And they said it wasn't fixed. SIX TIMES. In the first place, if you tell a customer that their services are covered they expect that to be true, I would have NEVER USED THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE if that was true, which it isn't, but these people are LIARS. Now they have a company threatening to SUE me for THEIR MISTAKE? EXTORTION? I DON'T KNOW! IT MAKES NO SENSE! They MESSED UP, they BLAMED ME for their problems, and they HAVE MADE ME FEEL CONSTANTLY WORRIED IN THE BACK OF MY STOMACH FOR OVER HALF A YEAR FOR THEIR OWN PROBLEMS. THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF A BAD COMPANY. Also their services did NOTHING. These people are EVIL, literally EVIL, DON'T EVEN CONSIDER IT.

  • Kamael Sugrim

    Kamael Sugrim


    They have great skin care offerings here. It's not a spa, so don't go expecting to be pampered. A bit on the expensive side.

  • en

    Francisco Barroca


    Nice professional team but not so flexible when cancelling and rescheduling appointments still they always want to charge their money....please have some hands on mentality and realize that this client has given you good money to earn. Now, on the lookout for a new clinic.

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