Huisartsenpraktijk Frans Halsstraat in Amsterdam

NederlandHuisartsenpraktijk Frans Halsstraat



🕗 openingstijden

Frans Halsstraat, 1072 BT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 673 9091
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3565673, Longitude: 4.8885817

opmerkingen 5

  • Maria Isabel Reyes

    Maria Isabel Reyes


    This is the third time I've been seen by Dr. van der Sluys and I can say that hands down she the worst practitioner I've ever encountered in my life. I've come to her in tears looking for an explanation of what's happening to my body and every single time she fails to do the smallest enquiry. She jumps into diagnoses that are completely off, prescribed me the wrong medicine and after 2 appointments of an unknown aggravating issue with my skin she has not suggested to even take a sample and investigate. Last time she stomped out of the office mid consultation without saying anything, and upon her return she just stared and said, oh, you're still here!!? It's an embarrassment to Western medicine. If someone could suggest a REAL doctor in the area I'd be really grateful.

  • Show Reel

    Show Reel


    Female doctor, name van der Sluys (Hanna) doesnā€™t show any empathy and doesnā€™t have any skills. 3rd time Iā€™m diagnosed completely differently at another gp. This says something right? Her conclusions are always like ā€œoh I wasnā€™t there when you were sick, so I donā€™t knowā€. She is so unfriendly. Just as other reviews: do something with your behavior.

  • N Devi

    N Devi


    I have been treated by Dr. van der Sluys 3 times and every time was awful. She does not take the time to understand the problem you are describing/showing and gives short, snappy responses. I have never encountered such a rude physician in my life. I often walk out of the practice frustrated. Her recommendations for treatment is "see if it gets better". You have to really push to be prescribed a medication or an alternative treatment method. I will be looking for an alternative huisarts as soon as I can. Also sidenote: I have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and I am sure all doctors at the practice have too. However, Dr. van der Sluys did not wear a mask. I wore mine throughout the entire time I was there. I think doctors should practice what they preach.

  • Aure Plane

    Aure Plane


    I really don't recommend. (and really don't get all the positive reviews!) I was treated by the Dr Hannah van Der Sluys and she was such in a hurry and so arrogant. Nobody in the medical care looked down on me like that. I was coming for my first appointment and had a few questions. I left the doctor's office without any solutions to my requests. And just feeling really really bad!! No understanding or compassion at all. Condescendence, yes! Working myself in health care, I was pretty shocked!

  • Michael Popovsky

    Michael Popovsky


    My Partner and I just moved to Amsterdam and were recommended to visit Dr. Hanna van der Sluys as a general practitioner. We had a great experience and would definitely recommend to visit the practice and the doctor. She paid a lot of attention to the appointment and made us feel very comfortable. What is great about the practice is that they do the blood work on-site which is very convenient. If you need to find a new doctor, Dr. Hanna van der Sluys is definitely our choice.

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