DEPOT in Amsterdam



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🕗 openingstijden

10, Aambeeldstraat, 1021 KB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.384538, Longitude: 4.928392

opmerkingen 5

  • Tim van Zoeren

    Tim van Zoeren


    Great techno scenery. Love it

  • en

    Jani M


    Paid toilet, not the cheapest drinks, the music was nice but the soundsystem is so so

  • Matt Kus

    Matt Kus


    Warehouse style club with big open space and great lighting up front. Small bar in back corner can lead to long lines depending on the night and the crowd. Lockers available in coatroom. Street parking is not hard to find nearby. Be ready to pay for bathroom. Sound quality is good but not amazing, as volume definitely needs to be up for you to feel it.

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    Viktor Evgeniev


    Industrial club with excellent scene, spacious smoking room, but requires to buy munten so a bit expensive.

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    Maikel Wilke


    If you like Techno and people in all kinds of states this is your place, otherwise there are better choices. Sound is quite ok.

Nachtclub in de buurt

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