De Nieuwe KHL in Amsterdam

NederlandDe Nieuwe KHL



🕗 openingstijden

44, Oostelijke Handelskade, 1019 BN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 779 1575
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3740116, Longitude: 4.9363231

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Sweet Sun


    Amazing and cozy place. The meal was very good quality with a very reasonable price. Spectacular dessert and staff incredible!! Thanks so much for last night. We had a faboulus last meal in our holidays. Thanks KHL and special to the staff!!

  • Ronja Bosgraaf

    Ronja Bosgraaf


    Good food, nice owners and the new party venue looks great

  • Simonas Viliūnas

    Simonas Viliūnas


    Lovely restaurant. The food is excellent, and if I'm not mistaken, they change the menu regularly. Excellent selection of fish dishes, nice range of beers for those who are into it. The staff is very friendly and will not hesitate to explain about the dishes - either in English or in Dutch. Do not feel shy to ask for recommendations - you will not be disappointed. All in all, cosy, friendly and affordable place.

  • en

    Bourgeons Taha


    Welcoming personnel with a smile, food is delicious music in the background. Historic place. Prices are moderate.

  • Snezhana Stojanova

    Snezhana Stojanova


    Calm, take-your-time place. Don't go there if you are in a hurry. The food is really nice. I have been only for a lunch, but I think it is also giving dinner.

Restaurant in de buurt

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