Cafe Arie V. in Amsterdam

NederlandCafe Arie V.



🕗 openingstijden

373, Rietlandpark, 1019 EM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 419 4433
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.374105, Longitude: 4.935538

opmerkingen 5

  • Bea S

    Bea S


    Lovely warm atmosphere, great staff and yummy menu!

  • joris schefold

    joris schefold


    Nice new bar from the owners of Roest. Has some outside tables and a lot of big tables inside.

  • en

    carolyn weeks


    Great place bit chilly due to drafts from windows but would certainly return an host was fab

  • Simonas Viliūnas

    Simonas Viliūnas


    Lovely, casual place. The staff is friendly, good is quite good. Sometimes it is a bit crowded, and the meals are a bit on the expensive side.

  • Jeroen Witte

    Jeroen Witte


    Attented a private event and things are a bit hazy, but i'm pretty sure that this is a nice place. From what i recall and hear from others who were there, the staff was very friendly. Besides drinks, they also serve food. Though i didn't have any, it probably would have made my evening (and the day after) even more enjoyable. Public transport is nearby and since i managed to get home without incident, rather easy to find.

Restaurant in de buurt

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