de Bijenkorf in Amsterdam

Nederlandde Bijenkorf



🕗 openingstijden

1, Dam, 1012 JS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 245 4488
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3735934, Longitude: 4.8944329

opmerkingen 5

  • en



    I love Bijenkorf! That's my starting point for all shopping. They have everything you need. Good variety of very expensive and affordable brands. Gifts, shoes, cloth, bags, make up... all is there and all of good quality. I always first go there and only afterwards visit other stores. That saves me a lot of time (I do not really like shopping). Also open after office hours as one of the few shops in Amsterdam. So perfect for a quick shopping after work if you desperately need something but do not have time. Nice Cafe on the top floor although the prises are a bit high. Very nice discount weeks. It's a pity they do not do '3 Dwaze Dagen' discount marathon anymore. I was a fan. Friendly staff that are not trying to get you buy something in an annoying or pushy way. I love it. They are there if you need them, always help you friendly, but mange to be 'invisible' if you do not need them, so you can fully enjoy your shopping and feel relaxed to try things on.

  • Morten Skriver Larsen

    Morten Skriver Larsen


    You can get decent stuff there of clothes, perfumes, jewelry etc. classic fancy mall type style. People that work there are not nice at all, treat people according to how they think people with money look like. Some of the staff is downright rude.

  • Amsterdam Electric Tours

    Amsterdam Electric Tours


    If you like quality, then this is the place to visit. They have also nice place to eat after your shopping.

  • Rajat Thomas

    Rajat Thomas


    It is a cool place with lots of options. Close to the center and not too crowded. Usually caters to high end customers but if you look around you will get great deals.

  • en

    Shelley Barr


    Beautifully curated shop in the heart of the city. I went here on my birthday and LOVED the displays, the beautiful shops on the first floor (which I loved looking at even tho I probably wouldn't buy). Staff were friendly and helpful. The food court upstairs had tons of options and is a great respite in the middle of your shopping!

Winkelcentrum in de buurt

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