Dam Apotheek in Amsterdam

NederlandDam Apotheek



🕗 openingstijden

2, Damstraat, 1012 JM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 4331
website: www.benuapotheek.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3723693, Longitude: 4.8940817

opmerkingen 5

  • Chris E.

    Chris E.


    Very good service. We needed some medicine urgently. We called and the friendly men sad that he has to check and will call back within 5 minutes. He did and also had good news. We could get the needed medicine. I really do not understand the bad reviews here. Friendly and quick service unlike many many other pharmacy’s is what you get here. Centrally located. Very good.

  • K B

    K B


    Very friendly staff, I am a customer for 9.5 years. I have always been quickly helped, given good advice and had a friendly service here.

  • L. N.

    L. N.


    Very friendly staff and good service.

  • James A

    James A


    A small, possibly family owned apothecary, with a really helpful pharmacist who was patient and helpful when trying to assist is obtaining supplies for our friend who had fallen earlier that day. Appeared to speak at least 4 languages too and fluent and understandable too!

  • Svetlana Soar

    Svetlana Soar


    Visited local doctor first who recommended this pharmacy, this was obviously to prime the pharmacy as another gullable patient was on the way. When reaching the pharmacy i was presented the simple pills after 10 min of wait and then informed they wanted 41 euros , it was 24 euros more expensive than my same previous prescription purchased elsewhere. Luckily my partner was with me & demanded i should be refunded which they did. I purchased the same pills for 18 euros at another pharmacy. It seems they are in cahoots with the GP.

Apotheek in de buurt

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