BENU Apotheek W.H. van der Meulen in Amsterdam

NederlandBENU Apotheek W.H. van der Meulen



🕗 openingstijden

84-A, Geldersekade, 1012 BL, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 624 0445
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3742515, Longitude: 4.9009068

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Theodore Zhavari


    Great service

  • myst ical

    myst ical


    Gave me drugs for 16 year old (i'm 15)

  • en

    alexandre lemoues


    My wife woke up with terrible pains and sent me to the pharmacy. I just had the name of the medicine in France, and of course it was not the same as in the Netherlands. The ladies were very understanding and took time to contact people to find the equivalent of the medicine I was looking for. It took some time but it saved our day ! Since we were supposed to leave the hotel in a few hours, it could have become a real problem ... Many thanks !

  • en

    Yawen Chan


    Very friendly and nice staff. I don't speak Dutch and they were very accommodating

  • iw

    צבי סקליימן


    מקום טוב, בית מרקחת עם שירות מצויין!

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