Croque Madame Gluten Free Food in Amsterdam

NederlandCroque Madame Gluten Free Food



🕗 openingstijden

24a, Sint Annendwarsstraat, 1012 HC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 221 3656
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3739037, Longitude: 4.8969192

opmerkingen 5

  • Wiktor Wolczaski

    Wiktor Wolczaski


    Great tasty gluten free food prepared and served by a charming owner.

  • Nadine M.

    Nadine M.


    Cutest little hole in the wall! It’s easy to get lost with all the different food places around so THANK YOU GOOGLE MAPS! The food was great, I was so happy to have a nice cappuccino, and the service was amazing. I’m very happy I stuck with this place as my destination instead of getting distracted by all the other options.

  • husna cetinkaya

    husna cetinkaya


    I had a very delicious double cheese burger and a peanut butter brownie. It's a small place in the middle of a very crowded touristical neighbourhood. But they have very delicious gluten free food. And the people working there are very nice. I don't have gluten intolerence, I went there with my friend but I will definitely go there again alone. Thanks for everything!

  • Didem Stark

    Didem Stark


    Amazing people, amazing glutenfree food. This will definitely become a regular place to visit everytime I visit Amsterdam ❤

  • Hyojung Son

    Hyojung Son


    We found this restaurant while looking for glutenfree food. It was more delicious than I expected ! Now, this restaurant is our new favorite restaurant 😍

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