Consulate of Cuba in Rotterdam

NederlandConsulate of Cuba



🕗 openingstijden

18, Conradstraat, 〒3013 AP, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 10 206 7334
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9233643, Longitude: 4.4691506

opmerkingen 5

  • Giordano



    7th floor, room E7.154 of the Handels centre. Very difficult to find as there are no indications and it is a small room in a broad office space where many other companies reside! My tourist visa (I'm Italian) was ready in 5 minutes, I just had to present my flight ticket, passport, the "tourist card application form" that can be downloaded from the embassy website and pay 22E (only pinnen is allowed).

  • Ruben Pot

    Ruben Pot


    Let op je kan hier alleen pinnen !

  • nl

    Iris Oosterling


    vriendelijke mensen en snel geholpen. Ze reageren snel op de mail. Van te voren hadden we de gegevens gekregen. Conradstraat 18, Floor E-7, office 154. Er staan geen bordjes, maar als je dit volgt kun je het niet missen en kun je aanbellen bij de office (waar wel een bordje staat).

  • en

    sergey donnally


    Porque ellos nunca contestan el teléfono and James is Wright about how to find the cuban consulate, this big building is a crazy thing, i got lost so many times.

  • en

    James the Freeze


    1 star, and the one star I'm willing to give it are for the fact that the consulate, compared to other diplomatic missions, is really not all that bad. But JFC, this building! So I go over to Conradstr. nr 18, which is the address. There's a door, one of those automatic sliders that comes in two, you know, one opens, you walk in, it closes behind you, the next one opens, that kind of high tech stuff. So I'm like, cool, found it. I walk into automatic door number 1, and I wait for it to close so I can walk through automatic door number 2, but it doesn't close. So then I'm like, ok, I'm gonna stand real still, and it works! The door closes. But then when I move slightly in order for the second door to open, the first door just opens back up again, leaving me right back where I started. So I try and I try, I look around me, am I doing something wrong? This really is number 18, and there's no sign that says there is another entrance or that only certain people can come in through this door. So I keep trying, until a guy walks out of the elevator who suggests I walk around to another entrance to ask people at the desk how to get to the Cuban consulate. Oh, so there IS another entrance? Yeah. Very clear indeed. I walk around the building as the guy suggests, I ask at the desk, they are like, 7th floor (meaning not the 4th floor as Google suggests!!), then walk to the left. I go to the 7th floor and walk to the left, guess what, no consulate and no signs that tell you where's what either. I wander around the floor for a good 10 min until I run into a guy who tells me exactly where it is and finally I find it. It's locked. I ring the bell. Nothing happens. I ring the bell again, nothing happens. I start doubting myself, are they even open? I hear people chatting behind the closed door. I ring the bell again. A guy opens. And yeah well then everything was fine they were nice and fast so fine 2 stars.

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