CLASSIC ink & mods in Amsterdam

NederlandCLASSIC ink & mods



🕗 openingstijden

60A, Rokin, 1012 KV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 753 9652
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3708092, Longitude: 4.8922353

opmerkingen 5

  • Marc Senti

    Marc Senti


    Cool people, everybody was really nice and professional. Had to wait a bit because my appointment was quite spontaneous but it was worth it and I'm very happy with the tattoo.

  • Melissa



    Professional place, great staff that gives you great attention and makes you feel valued and at ease. And it is such a clean shop! Mega plus. It is cash only (minor negative), they do remind you of this when you’re in the shop. Atm is next door luckily. Highly recommend

  • Viña Williams

    Viña Williams


    Extremely professional and helpful. Have had piercings in the ear at Maria Tash in Dublin and in Nijmegen. Will always go back here they're actually that good.

  • Y. Roele

    Y. Roele


    Great service, great artists and beautiful, elegant jewelry. I am very satisfied with the advise I got in picking jewelry, but also with the professionalism in how I was pierced. Conveniently located near the metro station.

  • Jonna van Batum

    Jonna van Batum


    Genuinely the best shop one could ever go to. The service is absolutely amazing, the people are incredibly kind and knowledgeable, the place is always spotless and the prices are astonishingly low for the immaculate and perfect service. I've stepped in there once for my first piercing 12 years ago, never went anywhere else and have recommended it to everyone and their moms. Today I stepped in to check on a old piercing, they didn't charge for the check-up and the person that helped me was one of the warmest and kindest people I have ever met. The professionalism is through the roof and I genuinely think you could scour the world and not find a better place.

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