Diamond Point in Amsterdam

NederlandDiamond Point



🕗 openingstijden

1, Dam, 1012 JS, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 342 6601
website: www.diamondpoint.net
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3737139, Longitude: 4.8949097

opmerkingen 5

  • Wai San Wong

    Wai San Wong


    Really great help from Olivia! great service. It's just a shame that they are unreachable by phone for a long time, but the service in the store was top notch.

  • Francisco Leyton

    Francisco Leyton


    I had a great experience at DD thanks to Seema, who helped me to solve an issue with a purchase very fast. She was extremely kind, helpful and efficient. I would recommend DD 100%. Service was top level!

  • E Brabrabrubruia

    E Brabrabrubruia


    I recently had the most bizarre job interview ever at Diamond Point headquarters. What I was asked does not need to be repeated, but I was quite upset that the questions were being asked. As someone who has just completed a good (university) education and has done work in the past that I am proud of, I was totally upset about how this whole conversation went. There are just things you don't ask. Apart from that, it is of course slightly unusual that you as an applicant are placed in the boardroom, which looks like the management has a coffee break and then a member of the board walks in and takes over the job interview. May I also point out to Mr Van Gelder that it is not legally permitted to ask about someone's illness history during a conversation? I was quite taken by surprise because I have never had such questions. I felt it was one of the unwritten rules that you don't. When I Googled it afterwards, it turned out to be legally established. I would like to share this state of affairs with the world, so that anyone who is thinking about applying here knows what kind of employer they are dealing with.

  • Angel “Angel” Fone

    Angel “Angel” Fone


    Me and my partner went here to get my engagement ring, love it so much. Wonderful service, they really listen to what you want, your budget and didn't immediately bring out the higher end. I felt comfortable and welcome. You walk passed some wonderful stores and other jewlery sellers and we went into one before this store, I was close to loving another ring, it was double the price and not quite right but one i would go back to for a second looked, thank goodness I continued on as the ring we found is perfect, I'm nearly as in love with it as my partner. I think he might be too as it was half the price.. "jokes"

  • Niels van Brecht

    Niels van Brecht


    Nice for shopping for jewelry

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