Casa Jewelry in Amsterdam

NederlandCasa Jewelry



🕗 openingstijden

128, Herengracht, 1015 BT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 646 1000
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3755666, Longitude: 4.8882638

opmerkingen 3

  • Anna Oosterman

    Anna Oosterman


    Every time I wear earrings or a necklace from Casa Jewelry I get nice reactions. Beautiful jewelry, cool and classic. Fortunately for Mother's Day I have been receiving something from my children's collection for several years.

  • Sherana S

    Sherana S


    I am a fan of the beautiful jewelry from Casa Jewelry, but I still want to share how they treat customers. I have two sets of jewelry of which one strand breaks the strand of the chain and the other gold plated layer of the ring has disappeared. Both within 2 years of purchase and careful use. Because this is not the expected quality in relation to the price of the Casa Jewelry products, I sent an email to the customer service. Strangely enough, you expect something from a solution and customer focus, but that is not a concept that Casa Jewelry understands. I have never received such a response from customer service before. Here it comes: "We would like to give you everything new, but unfortunately we cannot do this. The world would look much nicer if everything were replaced for free. But this would be a disaster for the economy. I had the same thing recently. I bought a pair of shoes 3 years ago. Recently I noticed that the sole was a bit worn, but I am very careful with my shoes. I also saw one morning that my lace was spontaneously broken in my shoe. Also very annoying of course and you can probably imagine my disappointment. By the way, I'm still waiting for an answer from the shoe store that I sent an email to ... With kind regards, Peter ’ With this, casa jewelry says something about the confidence that they themselves have in the quality of their product. In addition, I fell off my chair about the comparison with shoes, the teaching in the tone and the lack of a little service. A repair proposal would also be nice, but Casa Jewelry does not care.

  • Jonas Vanden Branden

    Jonas Vanden Branden


Juwelier in de buurt

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