Bruijnesteijn Doe Het Zelf in Amsterdam

NederlandBruijnesteijn Doe Het Zelf



🕗 openingstijden

86, Haarlemmerstraat, 1013 EV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 8777
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3804709, Longitude: 4.8914454

opmerkingen 5

  • Oebele Kooistra

    Oebele Kooistra


    Best DIY store in Amsterdam. Especially in Corona time.

  • Hendrik van Iterson

    Hendrik van Iterson


    Great service, friendly staff and beautiful products.

  • Coline Pannier

    Coline Pannier


    I love this shop! They have the most amazing selection of everything for DIY and the staff is vey knowledgeable. They also sell individual units, which means you don't have to buy a box of 200 nails if you want to hang one frame... Geweldig!

  • Kimmen Sjolander

    Kimmen Sjolander


    We live in the neighborhood, and have stopped by this store on several occasions for things needed. The staff have invariably been very helpful and friendly, and they have a great and varied selection.

  • Joseph



    This is a great store. There's a great selection of almost everything anyone would need for DIY. The staff are knowledgable, friendly and very professional. There's a kid there that can't be more than 20 years old (more than half my age) but he knows his stuff and has given me excellent advice more than once and saved me money in doing so. There's also a bunch of more mature gentlemen and ladies than are just excellent and are always on hand to help and advise. You might find things cheaper at Praxis or Gamma but this is an excellent local business that I am really happy to recommend.

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