Bisshops BV in Amsterdam

NederlandBisshops BV


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

338, Herengracht, 1016 CG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 85 401 6381
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.36937, Longitude: 4.886434

opmerkingen 5

  • Chris Beurms

    Chris Beurms


    Wrong company! After returning my purchased product (moto helmet), they found that it was damaged. I hadn't noticed anything about it myself. Full refund is not an option there. During the communication I already had the impression that something was wrong and this turned out to be the case in the end. It's a shame that such companies are taking advantage of the situation.




    Incompetent company. Bought a helmet and sent it back. Despite shipment tracking and delivery confirmation, the helmet never arrived. It went back and forth for 2 months. Now the helmet has arrived but cannot be found. This company wrote to me yesterday, they are making an EXCEPTION and let it go. The It goes without saying and doesn't need to be mentioned separately. At 18.50 euros, return costs, I am now sitting down! A big THANK YOU FOR NOTHING !!

  • Tom



    I bought it on the website of Bisshops BV ( Unfortunately, it was not clear for an article whether it had keys or not - customer service could not answer it, so I sent the goods back. A refund for returned goods is promised within 5 days. No money was received 12 days after confirmation of receipt of the return. When asked by email, I was informed that I had not yet received a refund because I had not received the keys (?!?!). I asked for repayment again and am therefore still waiting for repayment.

  • Jos Pipers

    Jos Pipers


    Fine nothing to add

  • Ellen De Jongh

    Ellen De Jongh


    20/4 bicycle ordered, 21/4 delivered, 22/4 mounted and damage reported. I would get a new saddle + compensation mudguard or exchange. I just wanted a new mudguard. 1 day later the brakes broke and I was almost under a car. Clearly something had come off the brake. Inside the brake, so not something to be mounted by us! I report this 30/4 by mail, not available by phone. 11/5 response. They had never heard this (yeah right), it was our fault, not properly assembled. I react again, 22/5 I finally got a reaction again, our fault again. TAKE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! LEGAL WARRANTY IS 2 YEARS! Something we have not assembled and is broken after 8 days is a manufacturing defect! Exchange bicycle or money back! Prefer the latter because my confidence is completely gone! I will take further steps against your malpractice if you don't fix it!

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