BiciCare in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

49, Willem de Zwijgerlaan, 1056 JE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 45249072
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.371939, Longitude: 4.863147

opmerkingen 5

  • Loes van der Laan

    Loes van der Laan


    Great service! I booked a yearly bike maintenance job here. I’ve had some misfortunes with careless bike repair services, who overcharged and delivered sloppy work. Not this guy; provided me with great information and solutions to some problems I was previously told couldn’t be fixed. Great eye for detail and service with a smile. He’s not the cheapest out there, but not expensive either and good value for money. He’s a busy fella so make sure you book your repair job in advance if at all possible.

  • Lukas Visockas

    Lukas Visockas


    Great service and reasonable pricing. The staff was super friendly and explained how to avoid similar problems. SMS notification when bike is ready was very helpful.

  • Thom Janssen

    Thom Janssen


    Really nice guys who repaired my Shimano Nexus 8 by looking into it to see what they could still save - not much so they replaced it the same day, for a very reasonable fee!

  • Jau-Ling Chou

    Jau-Ling Chou


    Alexander the Great! He was able to diagnose and replace my chain within an hour. Awesome service, and very friendly guys. Arguably the nicest bike shop I've been to in the Baarsjes, I will be back again!

  • Alex Dunlop

    Alex Dunlop


    Great service! Alex hooked me up with a battery-assist Bakfiet, so for me and two kids 8 and 6 it was perfect. Enabled us to see much more of Amsterdam than we would have otherwise! After a day, he charges by the hour increment so you don't get hit with another full day charge. Doesn't take non-Dutch credit cards.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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