A&M Rijwielhandel Alles en Meer in Amsterdam

NederlandA&M Rijwielhandel Alles en Meer



🕗 openingstijden

28I, De Clercqstraat, 1052 NE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 612 5400
website: www.amfietsen.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3713617, Longitude: 4.8715677

opmerkingen 5

  • Robbert F

    Robbert F


    If you want to pay without getting anything in return, you have to go to this bicycle repair shop. I went here with a chain skipping with a request to fix this problem. When I came to get the bike I was told that the chain was tight again. Costs 15 euros. The problem came back on the same day. Returned to the bicycle repairer, who indicated that this was not his problem. He did say that he could do a follow-up repair for 40 euros. Then I went to another, reliable bicycle repairer. He immediately said that there was clearly no repair at all, the chain was still that slack. I advise everyone to stay away from A&M.

  • Merel



    Professional, affordable and super friendly! Nice to have found a bicycle shop where I would like to return!

  • Maijlow



    Nice and cheap bicycle repair shop. This man will not give you an expensive repair. Every time I had to get my bike fixed, I got off with a friendly price. Top store. I recommend it to everyone.

  • Marcel Dekker

    Marcel Dekker


    Based on previous experiences (reviews) and I have no regrets. Very good service, think along (also cost-saving) and is very affordable. Definitely come back here if my bike needs something again! Thanks !!

  • droom lakner

    droom lakner


    Best bicycle repair shop in Amsterdam !! Wherever I have a flat tire in the city, I always walk to everything & more for the repair!

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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