Beauty Vibes in Amsterdam

NederlandBeauty Vibes



🕗 openingstijden

178, Keizersgracht, 1016 DW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 50677206
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3752381, Longitude: 4.8853228

opmerkingen 5

  • Pooja Sikand

    Pooja Sikand


    I love it so much that i want to start my own salon back home. Unbelievable results!!! My fav salon in amsterdam.Gorjana was overwhelming with her love n knowledge.must visit!

  • Rageni Goeptar

    Rageni Goeptar


    Thanks a lot I enjoy every session bioslimming in combination with the infrared treatment and connective tissue massage a total of 5 kilos but when I look at my size in cm a total of 5.3 cm off supppppper. But it is not just the treatments the staff are very friendly you get a lot of explanation about the different treatments and the actions that are taken there are pictures taken before and after so that you can clearly see the end result. I am very happy with you and hope to be able to use your treatments often in the coming years

  • Patrick Cepero

    Patrick Cepero


    Eyelash curl looks great. I am so happy with it, I will definitely be back in 8 weeks! Thanks, thanks.

  • Adrijana Buikdanseres

    Adrijana Buikdanseres


    Every time I walk outside after a treatment I feel reborn. Physically and mentally! The staff is very friendly and I am especially happy with the good resin and eyecurl treatments!

  • Mike S.

    Mike S.


    Perfect service and expert owner.

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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