Back Stage in Amsterdam

NederlandBack Stage



🕗 openingstijden

107, Rozengracht, 1016 LV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 1267
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3728997, Longitude: 4.8794485

opmerkingen 5

  • Kat M

    Kat M


    Great vegan, cruelty free products and outstanding assistance. Popped by out of curiosity and ended up with perfectly adjusted lip stick 🦋🥰💙

  • Peter Adam

    Peter Adam


    Love the variety in this shop. Besides their own brand, you can find here imported brand products which other places don't have. Plus also wigs and accessories. Recommended 100%

  • Rory Maresca

    Rory Maresca


    Is always beautiful enter the shop and the personal is always very nice

  • Christo



    Went in to get black face paint, the woman was very friendly, helpful and informative, without being pushy at all. In the Netherlands, it's hard to find good customer service, so I was pleasantly surprised when I came here.

  • יסמין קפלן לובטקין

    יסמין קפלן לובטקין


    Very nice shop, helpful and nice staff who helped a lot, good quality products with a big variety and many things to choose from. Affordable price and and a good price range, 10/10 would come again.

Huisgoederenwinkel in de buurt

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