Ayla in Rotterdam




🕗 openingstijden

153, Kruisplein, 3014 DD, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 10 254 0005
website: www.ayla.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.9212186, Longitude: 4.4708815

opmerkingen 5

  • Barbro Frost

    Barbro Frost


    Goda, lite speciella rÀtter och utvalda drycker. Mycket vÀnlig och uppmÀrksam personal. Trivsam inredning och bra bakgrundsmusik. Kul stÀlle för coctails innan man gÄr vidare, ocksÄ. Har annars bÄde tapas och kraftigare rÀtter. Mycket fisk.

  • nl

    Marion van Wezel


    Eten was goed. Jammer dat er erg lang gewacht werd met drinken te brengen. 20 minuten en dan lauw. Weinig aandacht voor klanten. Wel voor bekenden. Helaas geen 2de keer meer.

  • en

    Ju He


    Food is based on the Spanish tapas and has many delicious little snacks. They don't walk the usual path of tapas in the Netherlands though and serve things you won't find anywhere else. When you have certain allergies you can tell at the waiter and you will get specially prepared food or a different dish instead. The tables are placed quite close together in some areas of the restaurant which can be a bit annoying when people try to pass through. This kept me from the 5 star rating. But other than that, it's a very good restaurant with a pleasant atmosphere.

  • Laura Zuluaga

    Laura Zuluaga


    Everything was delicious and great service. We ordered five dishes plus a dessert, enough to be full me and my boyfriend. The cocktails were as well better that we expected it, and really enjoyed them. Only a little detail that I personally find overly greedy is that they charge one euro for tap water, specially after a table has already ordered a few drinks and dishes a free glass of tap water just seems a normal offering, 4 stars because of this. Other than that everything was great!

  • Aditya Kumar

    Aditya Kumar


    Great atmosphere, great service. The tapas size food portions are good sized and reasonably priced. The cocktails are reasonable on the menu but the portions are small. The bartender is up for off the menu requests. The food tastes great as well. The music is a tad bit loud. Overall, i highly recommend this place!

Bar in de buurt

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