Steak & Bier in Rotterdam

NederlandSteak & Bier



🕗 openingstijden

290, Karel Doormanstraat, 3012 GP, Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 10 433 2582
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.921096, Longitude: 4.474666

opmerkingen 5

  • Dave S

    Dave S


    This place does what it says on the tin. Steak and beer. Really good options, cooked to perfection. Beer took a bit of experimentation to find a nice one

  • Etienne de Jager

    Etienne de Jager


    Amazing food. Incredible atmosphere. Super competitive prices. Extensive menu. Just amazing!

  • Jack Lammerts

    Jack Lammerts


    Good restaurant near the center of Rotterdam. Specializes in meat and grill dishes, and has a fairly large selection of special beers. Staff was friendly and fast, and food was good.

  • en

    Wouter van Leeuwen


    Sometimes really busy, but with small groups you can usually get a table on the spot. I love the food, the beer selection is good but not overwhelmingly so.

  • Scott G

    Scott G


    My friend and I enjoyed a delicious peice of steak and a few beers here. The service was reasonable, price acceptable and the atmosphere was pleasant. Would return!

Bar in de buurt

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