Albert Heijn to go in Amsterdam

NederlandAlbert Heijn to go



🕗 openingstijden

13a, Stationsplein, 1012 AB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 330 0328
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3791527, Longitude: 4.9002422

opmerkingen 5

  • aServiceAngel



    Disgraceful management of a store. Extremely disrespectful Manager Nina dropped my drink, I asked her politely to pick it up and explained this was not good customer service, I asked for a receipt, she then continued to serve other customers while refusing to provide a receipt for goods that were paid for, she was extremely rude and blanked me while serving next 3 or 4 customers, while I patiently awaited a receipt, I asked Nina a few times which she ignored, she then said she couldn't provide a receipt which she had known full well she could not do if she served others. So purposely she had refused a receipt. Nina was the Team Manager. I asked Anouska another Cashier to provide a receipt she said I had to ask the Manager. Worst customer service I have ever received. Completely ruined the Amsterdam experience.

  • en

    Phoo Khai Yong


    The best ham & cheese croissant I ever had. They were freshly baked with the superficial recipe. Definitely a must if you're nearby any AH to go.

  • MTA Held

    MTA Held


    The personele is totally unengaged, pricing is over the roof. After a night out, I thought I'd quickly nip by and grab a beer. No one is tending the self service machines and you need an employee to pay for your beer. Result; enormous queues at the cash registers. To boot, I payed E 14,= for a six pack and missed my train which is I little below two crates of beer. There is no shortage of employees, just no one tending the machines! All in all I regret my visit and they'll never see me here again. Just go to the AH on the other side (front side) of Amsterdam Central station. This place is a totally unengaged rippoff!

  • Omar P.T.

    Omar P.T.


    Self-service checkouts are useful if you are in a hurry or the train's arriving. You don't have to wait for slow customers or staff.

  • en

    Rob L


    Good supermarket to get all your every day needs and more. Some good gift choices too for friends overseas if you are not a local. Remember to take a bag for your groceries or pick up a reusable one there.

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