Albert Heijn in Amsterdam

NederlandAlbert Heijn



🕗 openingstijden

45 F, Stationsplein, 1012 AB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 671 1763
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3789642, Longitude: 4.9003584

opmerkingen 5

  • FFA Pro

    FFA Pro


    Easy to find and self service

  • Barry Straw

    Barry Straw


    I walked in as a woman walked out, followed by a young lady in AH togo uniform that was trying to get her attention. She kept walked for a few more steps and tapped the woman on her shoulder (totally ignoring the calls and the taps) she let a twix bar fall on the floor. Obviously the young lady went above and beyond her function as a store worker to stop this thief. 5 stars for this young strong lady, she acted right and correct with no aggresion and i dont expect she would have done more in risk to harm herself or potentially others in the process of saving a simple twix bar. Edit: she then politely showed me the way to the water bottles haha! Respect!

  • abdallah al naser

    abdallah al naser


    Very good.

  • Jilson Jose

    Jilson Jose


    One the most found supermarkets in the city... Great and friendly staff, possibilities for self check in. Affordable prices, freshly baked bread

  • Giselle Pizarro

    Giselle Pizarro


    Great place, all of the stores are Well located and the prices are excellent. There's coffee, food to go, fruit, breakfast. We bought dinner and breakfast Many times, always perfect. You can pay with cash or credit cards. Recommend!

Supermarkt in de buurt

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