40 square in Amsterdam

Nederland40 square



🕗 openingstijden

9, Eerste Laurierdwarsstraat, 1016 PV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 337 5182
website: www.40square.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3724631, Longitude: 4.8809052

opmerkingen 5

  • izz H

    izz H


    Small cozy salon with only 3 hairdressers (2 currently in store due to Covid regulations) loved Thomas’ friendly professionalism, he really took his time with my hair and I had one of the best blow dry ever! All products used are from Kevin Murphy, which I appreciate for they are both sulphate free and environmentally conscious. Prices are just as indicated online, no extra charges and tax included etc..

  • Leslie Nunes

    Leslie Nunes


    Sooooo happy with my hair cut from Ingeborg! She advised what would suit me best based on my hair and face. She did such an amazing job!! I will definitely go back if I'm in the Netherlands again!

  • Paul Lunn

    Paul Lunn


    Won't go anywhere else.

  • Tue Herlevsen

    Tue Herlevsen


    Job well done and great service. Friendly staff

  • Keelin Coyle

    Keelin Coyle


    Really lovely hairdressers, very relaxing experience with great products at a reasonable price. Would definitely go back!

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