The Hague Marriott Hotel i Den Haag

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandThe Hague Marriott Hotel



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30, Johan de Wittlaan, 2517 JR, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Holandia
kontakter telefon: +31 70 352 5354
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.0900302, Longitude: 4.2824559

kommentar 5

  • S Royster

    S Royster


    Very accommodating of our large group that was perpetually in need of something. Good use of light and space in lounge. Easy to get to by road from Amsterdam, many possibilities to explore by bike, taxi, or footpath.

  • Kerrie Schryver

    Kerrie Schryver


    Impeccable service. Room very clean and well appointed but small. Bed comfortable. Executive lounge has all we need and more for breakfast and happy hour if you can score it. Only down side was noise outside on a windy night for museum/sea facing rooms. Very nice otherwise.

  • en

    Maria Charalambous


    1. Too cold. I could not increase the heating and although I complained, nothing happened.2. I ordered a stake at the restaurant and it was the worst stake I have ever eaten. Too tough couldn't be cut and rear although I ordered it medium to well. 3. Very good service. 4.The personnel was very polite. 5. The room was very clean.

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    Jasper Jansen


    A very nice location in the better side of The Hague. The direct area is a bit quite but everything is close. The nice shopping street De Fred and the beach. But also the city center is only 10 minutes bike ride or tram away. The comfort room for families are great and the platinum lounge is very nice and well assorted. We like to stay here with the family.

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    Alastair Blyth


    I am staying in The Hague Marriott Hotel after being stranded due to bad weather cancelling my flights. I've never been so pleased by service anywhere, as I am with how the wonderful staff have helped me out. Especially with no luggage. They have gone above and beyond even lending me an adapter to keep my phone in service as I wait on the call from the airline. I'm on a day to day stand by and have been able to extend my stay twice at very short notice at a very reasonable price for how beautiful my room is. I already have, and will continue to recommend this hotel to anyone who will listen.

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