Staten Hotel i Den Haag

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandStaten Hotel


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299, Frederik Hendriklaan, 2582 CE, Den Haag, Den Haag, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 70 354 3943
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Latitude: 52.0892456, Longitude: 4.2748258

kommentar 5

  • it

    Marcello Candiago


    La cortesia è di casa ma l'hotel è molto meno di un due stelle

  • Adriana Tostón

    Adriana Tostón


    Good location. Staff is really helpful. Breakfast is nice. And room are confortable. Their is no elevator, and it looks like you are in a room of a typical such house. Some room do not have restroom inside.

  • Michael Schmid

    Michael Schmid


    Very good accomodation close to the world forum and a tram and bus to the city. Location was amazing! A lot of stair cases that are quite narrow without an elevator which you have to get up so not ideal for bringing luggage up. The owner was very kind, breakfast was good. The family room was very nice whilst quite small. Bathroom was the worst part of the room with the toilet and shower very close to each other and therefore the shower would flood the entire bathroom! The sink was next to a bed outside of the bathroom which was fine. Overall very positive visit. Some of the new single rooms smelt a lot like paint.

  • en

    A Google User


    Nice small hotel

  • en

    A Google User


    We loved staying at the Statenhotel. Room is spacious, everything is provided and the service was great. Awesome breakfast and personally we thought the 80's framed posters in the rooms where funny and cute. Also gave great directions to get to our touristy locations.

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