SPAR city A'dam N. Doelenstraat i Amsterdam

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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HollandSPAR city A'dam N. Doelenstraat



🕗 åbningstider

55, Nieuwe Doelenstraat, 1012 CP, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 20 236 6529
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3679667, Longitude: 4.8946577

kommentar 5

  • rinus vlietstra

    rinus vlietstra


    Delicious sandwiches nice coffee and very nice staff.

  • Carl Taiz

    Carl Taiz


    Since this store is there, I can finally get a fresh breakfast and coffee every morning (07:00). Friendly staff and good products. I think many locals like me are very happy with this store.

  • Steven Setiawan

    Steven Setiawan


    THIS is how friendly employees should be everywhere. Employees who are genuinely friendly and helpful. But that was noticeable in the beginning from the manager (slightly tinted man with curls). He trains his staff well! Other than the big chains where the employees are more interested in what their girlfriend sent on snapchat yesterday and don't even look at you. TOP staff and that immediately makes the experience 100% better. From a colleague from the regulars. Great work men!

  • V. Richard Benjamins

    V. Richard Benjamins


    Great addition to the neighbourhood. Clean, fresh, affordable and nice staff.

  • Tobias Wasmuht

    Tobias Wasmuht


    Fresh, Friendly and super convenient. Thank you.

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