Bakaliko Amsterdam - Greek Products Supermarket Netherlands i Amsterdam

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HollandBakaliko Amsterdam - Greek Products Supermarket Netherlands



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49, Sint Nicolaasstraat, 1012 NJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
kontakter telefon: +31 6 83369201
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Latitude: 52.3747691, Longitude: 4.8921738

kommentar 5

  • maria panagopoulou

    maria panagopoulou


    Seamless experience. Got my order delivered in Hilversum in 2 days and I paid after I received it. Excellent service and friendly driver. Thank you!

  • Hara Goni

    Hara Goni


    The best place to order your delicious Greek food! They have one of the best customer service ever! Highly recommended ❤️🇬🇷

  • Julian



    Large variety of Greek products for Greek prices. It's very easy to order and the goods were delivered with great care within 2 days. All in all an excellent customer experience.

  • Sotiria Iliadou Kalkani

    Sotiria Iliadou Kalkani


    Bakaliko provides a great variety of authentic Greek products. All of their staff is always friendly and we never had any issues with our orders. The delivery is done very quickly. Definitely recommend it.

  • Oly Angel

    Oly Angel


    Whatever I say about this place is just not going to possibly describe how good they are! They are a team of Greek people that do everything in their power for you to have a very nice experience with every order you make. You definitely feel more at home when you receive all the delicacies from Greece. So if you want a wide variety of Greek items this is the place to order from. They will make sure you will receive everything in a timely manner, they do have their own drivers and every single one of them is amazingly friendly and kind. So do yourself a favor and check their store! All the best to the amazing team.

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