ZUID Stomerijen & Professional Tailoring / Dry Cleaning / Kleermaker & Stomerij Service in Amsterdam

NederlandZUID Stomerijen & Professional Tailoring / Dry Cleaning / Kleermaker & Stomerij Service



🕗 openingstijden

42, Jacob Obrechtstraat, 1071 KN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 334 2571
website: www.zuidstomerijen.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3552292, Longitude: 4.8756843

opmerkingen 5

  • Natalia Ruxandra

    Natalia Ruxandra


    I'm very satisfied with this company, very professional, they come and pick up your cloths and deliver it also. I had a white jacket that was pretty hard to clean and they did an amazing job with it. Also they cleaned very well some fluffy blanket and are looking like knew. Good communication and they are always on time. Will still use their service for sure.

  • Rachele Maggiolini

    Rachele Maggiolini


    We have used this service twice in the past months to clean several jackets, coats and dresses and we are very happy with them! They pick up quickly your order at home and deliver quickly as well. Much recommended!

  • bruna yumi

    bruna yumi


    I had my double duvet cleaned by ZUID Stomerijen. I was very satisfied, we had a small problem that was very well solved by them, excellent customer service, very attentive. Great quality of service. I definately recommend them.

  • Johnathon Glover

    Johnathon Glover


    Exceptional customer service and a great experience. I requested a non-standard alteration to a down duvet and they were more than happy to help, asking questions to make sure they were clear on what exactly I wanted. In the end it cost less than I was quoted and they were very friendly. Cannot recommend enough!

  • Luke O'Connell

    Luke O'Connell


    I took a curtain to ZUID Stomerijen as the stitching was coming away. Even though this was a specialist request they had no problem handling it for a reasonable cost. Within 24 hours the curtain was repaired and the entire top stitching had been replaced to avoid further issues. Throughout they kept me up to date via WhatsApp. This is an excellent service, I will definitely be going back!

Wasserij in de buurt

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