Zombie Pizza Almere & more in Almere

NederlandZombie Pizza Almere & more



🕗 openingstijden

92-10, Markerkant, 1316 AJ, Almere, Almere, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 36 524 2372
website: www.zombiepizza.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3868237, Longitude: 5.2200061

opmerkingen 5

  • Ruben de Fauwe

    Ruben de Fauwe


    Best pizza of Almere hands down!

  • nl

    khaled khaled


    Heel erg lekker

  • Rebien Kani

    Rebien Kani


    I have ordered enough pizza's from Zombie Pizza to leave a decent review. When the place just got started I ordered a pepperoni, and boy did I get my pepperoni pizza, the first slice was enough to say they make their pizza with fresh ingredients. I have tasted many pizza's but when you open your pizza box you will see what I mean. The colors of the ingredients are vivid the dough crusty where it should. The pizza is well topped and the sauces is delicious. A great factor to the pizza freshness is the delivery time, they are quick with their delivery. I have visited the place to see how they work, and their workplace itself is 5 stars. It's well organized, hygienic and big. And for the first time their is pizza place where you can order until 3 AM or 03.00 o'clock. All I can say is keep up the good work you guys are doing :D

  • nl

    Asmae Rimo


    Heerlijke quarto stagioni gegeten! Nette tent en verse producten. Zeker een aanrader!!

  • nl

    Sami Sam


    Zeker de beste pizza's van Almere. Heerlijk!!!

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